🐞 What Are The Bugs on My Hoya sp. 'Hat Som Paen'? (2024)

By Kiersten Rankel

Apr 14, 20244 min read

Banish bugs 🐛 from your Hoya 'Hat Som Paen' and reclaim your plant paradise! 🌿

  1. 🕸️ Spider mites show webbing and speckles; wipe or use mite-specific solutions.
  2. 🐞 Scale, mealybugs, thrips, gnats—identify and treat with alcohol, neem oil, or soap.
  3. 🌱 Prevent pests with cleanliness, quarantine, and regular inspections.

Meet the Uninvited: Identifying Common Pests

🕷️ Spider Mites: The Tiny Web Weavers

Spotting the signs: Webbing and leaf damage

Webbing on your Hoya sp. 'Hat Som Paen' is a dead giveaway—spider mites are likely the culprits. These tiny terrors leave behind speckled leaves as they suck the life out of your plant.

🕸️ Wiping them out: Effective treatments

To evict these pests, start with a damp cloth to disrupt their cozy web homes. Persisting issues call for the big guns—mite-specific solutions like bifenthrin.

🦟 Scale Insects: The Sticky Freeloaders

Seeing the scales: How to find them hiding

Scale insects masquerade as bumps on stems or leaves. They're sticky little squatters, leaving a honeydew mess in their wake.

🧼 Scrubbing them off: Removal and control methods

A toothpick or an alcohol-dipped swab can work wonders against these clingy pests. For the stubborn ones, consider systemic insecticides but rotate treatments to prevent resistance.

🦟 Fungus Gnats and Fruit Flies: The Annoying Fliers

Catching their flight: Signs of infestation

Tiny flies around your plant or soil? You've got fungus gnats or fruit flies throwing a party at your plant's expense.

🪰 Grounding them for good: How to eradicate

Control these pests by targeting their larvae with insecticidal soap or drying out the soil to disrupt their lifecycle.

🐛 Mealybugs: The Fluffy White Destroyers

Unmasking their disguise: Identification tips

White cottony clusters in the nooks of your plant are a telltale sign of mealybugs. They're sapping your plant's vigor and leaving a sticky trail.

🧼 Cleaning the fluff: Best eradication strategies

Rubbing alcohol or neem oil can send these fluffy fiends packing. Apply with a Q-tip for precision strikes.

🌿 Thrips: The Stealthy Leaf Damagers

Decoding the damage: Recognizing thrips presence

Thrips leave behind silvery trails on leaves and deformed plant parts. They're like ninjas, but for plants, and not in a good way.

🚿 Sending them packing: Proven removal techniques

Blast these pests with water or apply neem oil. Insecticidal soap can also be a formidable foe against these stealthy invaders.

The Pest Prevention Playbook

🏰 Creating an Unfriendly Environment

Humidity and cleanliness are your plant's knights in shining armor. Too much moisture? You're hosting a pest fiesta. Too dry? Spider mites will RSVP 'yes' to that drought party. Aim for that sweet spot where pests start to question their life choices.

Quarantine new plants like they're the subject of the latest tabloid scandal. Keep them at a distance until you've confirmed they're not harboring any tiny stowaways ready to colonize your green oasis.

👀 Regular Inspection Routines

The quick scan is your casual yet vigilant walk-through. Peek under leaves, scrutinize stems, and make it clear to pests that they're not sneaking past your watchful eyes.

The detailed examination is your monthly deep-dive into the plant world. It's like a spa day for your Hoya sp. 'Hat Som Paen'—except you're hunting for bugs, not relaxation. Get up close and personal, and leave no leaf unturned.

Emergency Response: When Pests Prevail

🚨 Immediate Actions: Steps to Take at the First Sign of Pests

At the first hint of pests on your Hoya sp. 'Hat Som Paen', jump into action. Isolate the plant to prevent a full-scale invasion of your green space. Next, shower time: a gentle rinse can dislodge many pests. Follow up with insecticidal soap or neem oil, targeting under leaves and along stems. Reapply treatments as necessary and remember to clean your tools after each encounter to prevent spreading the critters.

🚒 Calling in Reinforcements: When to Seek Professional Help

If pests are staging a comeback despite your best efforts, it's time to call in the pros. Look for a licensed and insured exterminator with a solid track record in garden pest control. They should be transparent, ready to answer questions, and provide references. Professional help not only addresses the current infestation but also arms you with prevention strategies for future pest-proofing. Remember, enlisting expert help isn't surrender—it's smart strategy.

Keep your Hoya sp. 'Hat Som Paen' pest-free 🛡 with Greg's specific care reminders that help you spot and stop bugs before they become a problem!


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  • 🐞 What Are The Bugs on My Hoya sp. 'Hat Som Paen'? (2)

  • 🐞 What Are The Bugs on My Hoya sp. 'Hat Som Paen'? (3)

    New Hoya Mom-Help! I adopted the Krimson Queen/Flamingo Hoya a few weeks ago, and I got the Hoya splash last week. The pink one’s leaves have gotten kind of soft and flexible, which from what I read, is not good. The green one still has nice, firm leaves for the most part. I’ve only watered each of them once, and they are both in very well draining soil, loose soil mixes I made from potting mix, orchid park, perlite, and lava rocks. They are both in unglazed clay/terracotta pots with large drain holes. They both are under grow lights; though I did just move the pink one next to the green one because the light is brighter and it’s closer to the humidifier. Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong? I’ve followed all the instructions I’ve found on sites like The Spruce. As I said, I’ve only watered them eachh one time since I got them, so it can’t be overwatering. The roots are getting plenty of air. Help! 🙏🏻🪴 #Hoya #HoyaHangout #HoyaHeads #HoyaKrimsonQueen #GregGang #GreggersSupportingGreggers #babevila

  • 🐞 What Are The Bugs on My Hoya sp. 'Hat Som Paen'? (4)

  • 🐞 What Are The Bugs on My Hoya sp. 'Hat Som Paen'? (5)

    Love the way the speckling looks against the dark leaves on my #Hoya Pubicalyx. Wish the leaves would stay this dark forever!! #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #HoyaHangout #

Browse #Hoya

Learn More About
None Care

  • 🌟 Benefits
  • 🪴 Soil
  • 🍂 Black Spots on Leaves
  • 🤔 Problems
  • 🪴 Repotting
  • 🤒 Root Rot
  • 💦 How Often to Water
  • ✂️ Pruning
  • 🍃 Leaves Curling
  • 🍃 Leaves Drooping
  • 🍃 Leaves Dropping
  • 🍃 Leaves Falling Over
  • 🍂 Leaves Mushy
  • 🍂 Brown Spots on Leaves
  • 🍂 Yellow Leaves
  • 🌤️ Light Requirements
  • 🌞 Direct Sunlight
  • 🌡️ Temperature
  • 🐞 Bugs
  • 💨 Humidity
🐞 What Are The Bugs on My Hoya sp. 'Hat Som Paen'? (2024)


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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.